Thursday, May 22, 2008

What is a Fresh Start?

I've been thinking about this a bit lately. Is a fresh start a second chance? Maybe a self-imposed second chance?

It seems like, for me anyway, I have gotten into life ruts and when you get a fresh start (by whatever means: it could be you move, you get a new job, you buy yourself some new clothes, you toss out your video games, you quit smoking, you get a haircut...the list goes on and on) it seems like a really good thing. The day is a little brighter and for me anyway, I find I'm a little more energized.

You take all of the past experiences that you've had, the past fresh starts, the ruts, and basically everything in between, and you go into the fresh start with (hopefully) a positive outlook. Sure it can't last. At some point the fresh start will become the norm, that is an enevitability. But the fresh start is something new and shiny.

What an amazing thing.

I'm certainly not endorsing moving every few weeks/months, personally I don't living out of boxes and it is expensive to move. But I do suggest looking for little fresh starts that constantly evolve you, constantly make you new and exciting. Maybe you don't like a whole lot of change because that feels safe and there is comfort in routine - I'm that way. And maybe that is why a fresh start to me seems so exciting and different.

1 comment:

Doug Leier said...

change is good for the mind and soul. Focusing on new challenges and not getting drug down by the routine. Good for you. Life isn't about regrets and standing still.