Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

So yeah, I'm officially done with this whole being 27 got old so I decided to get older.

I can't help but think about the past year every time early June rolls around...think about all the screwups and successes I've had, all the changes and all the things that haven't changed that much.

For me this year, the last couple weeks have been full of change. Between taking a different job, to my wife and I finishing off our packate for our adoption and as of last Friday now "officially waiting for a call" and us moving into a new house at the beginning of the year...and and and.

As far as the actual day went, it was pretty low-key...just the way I like it. My wife and I went out to the kite festival later in the morning. My dad and his fiance and her granddaughter came up for a bit and so we got to teach her how to fly a kite. She's coming up on her third birthday, so basically she was a riot. I'd get the kite up in the air, hand her the spool and we'd just go running across the open park. Pretty good times.

Then we grabbed some lunch at Sergios (chips are free and so is your meal if it is your b-day) and the folks headed back home as dad was going to help work some cows for another guy. Both he and I were talking about the very real possibility of snagging a nap at some point today and when I got home, I folded out the trusty click-clack (a couch that is a futon, but not really a futon, but kind of) and the wife and I promptly took a nap to Alien Nation (the movie, not the TV show).

After a couple-hour snooze, we worked on the basement a bit, I set up my Soloflex that I have meant to get working on again, set up my Slam Man and got my weight bench back in order. We also put a lot of stuff away that had kind of overflowed onto the floor and made everything accessible.

Tired of moving stuff around, I got my DVR issues figured out on the DirecTV, and now I can pause and rewind live TV and stuff. I can't wait to record a baseball game on Monday or Tuesday. As I write this, I've got about 45 minutes until I call it a night.

And that would be how I rang in my first day of 28-ness. Probably not the over-the-top nature way I've celebrated some birthdays in the past, but at the end of the day, it was a good day and I enjoyed it. Only 360-some days to go and then the countdown is on to the big 3-0. I'm suppose I'm dreading it already.

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