Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mowing the Lawn

So what is it about mowing the lawn that attracts me?

Maybe it is caring for my own property. Maybe the appeal is getting outdoors during nice weather. Maybe the appeal is I am the proud owner of an electric mower. Maybe it is that said electric mower isn't self propelled and so mowing the lawn constitutes a bit of a workout. I dunno. But I sure do enjoy it.

Mowing my yard takes somewhere in the realm of 45 minutes to an hour. It is the smallest yard I have ever mowed. It is just enough of a commitment to where I have to decide that I'm going to do it and it is going to take a little while. But it isn't like it is going to take up an evening or an afternoon or whatever.

I am in no way endorsing that you go out and get an electric mower. Seriously, for some people/yards, they just might not work out. But for mine, it is perfect. I mow, the battery doesn't ever run out and when I'm all said and done, I go plug it in and charge the bad boy up for another round.

With $4 gas, I can now afford to mow my lawn every day if I was so inclined. And while I'm not THAT GUY (you know the one), I'm that GUY (about halfway there I suppose where I'm probably not THE first, but I'm one of the first guys to mow on the block). And I laugh when I think of the money my electric mower is saving. And I laugh (muahahahahaha).

But when I'm mowing, like today for example, I can't help but wonder why it is I'm enjoying what I'm doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ENJOY mowing? Now I don't feel so guilty about you mowing my Mom's!